This article will discuss the process of configuring Sign-Off Types.

In order to begin using the Sign-Offs feature, you must first configure the various Sign-Off Types that your center will be using. There are two ways to access the Sign-Off Types page, where the types can be configured. One option is by clicking the “Manage Sign-Offs” link under Site Actions via your Site Profile page.

The other option is via the Application Catalog. Click the View link next to the Sign-Off module.


Choosing either option will direct you to the Sign-Off Types page.

Once on the Sign-Off Types page, click the “Add New Sign-off Type” link to begin configuring your Sign-off types.

The next screen is the Sign-off Type configuration screen where you can configure your Sign-off Type.

First, enter a name for the Sign-Off Type in the “Type Name” field.

The next setting determines whether or not the Sign-off is placed into the Sign-Off Queue by default when requesting a Sign-Off. 

The “Send Email Notification” setting determines whether or not an email is sent to the requester and reviewer when a new Sign-Off has been created for them, or when an update has been made to their Sign-Off.

The Banner Color setting allows you to determine the color scheme of the banner that appears on a case or service when a Sign-Off has been requested on either.

The “Review Action Behavior” setting determines what will happen when a reviewer or requester clicks the “Review” Action for a Sign-Off that has been requested. If this setting is set to “Update Sign-Off”, they will be directed to a page where they can immediately update the Sign-Off. If this setting is set to “View Associated Item”, they will be directed to the associated item for which the Sign-Off was created.

Next, the “Users Allowed to Sign-off” field sets which Users are able to Review and Sign-off on the request when it is requested.

The Type Features field is used to configure which features will have this particular Sign-Off Type on them. The Case option means that the Sign-off Type will appear on Cases. The Elaborate Service and Simple Service options will allow you to select which specific services you want this Sign-off Type to appear on.

Once you have configured the Sign-Off Type to your liking, click “Create Sign-off Type”.

The Sign-off Type will now be configured and will appear in the listview on the Sign-off Types page. The Sign-off can now be used in the different features for which the Sign-off was configured.

Sign-offs Feature Series