Assignments can be used to specify who is responsible for working specific cases.
To create an assignment, select the “Add/Edit Assignments” action in the Case Actions dropdown in the left hand sidebar.
First, set the Assignment Type.
Then you can choose to place the assignment into the Assignment Queue. For the purposes of this training, leave this set to “No”. For more information regarding the Assignment Queue, please review the Assignment Queue training.
Next, set the Assignee for the case.
Then set the status of the assignment. Pending status will require the assignee to accept the assignment before it becomes active. Active status will place the assignment directly in the assignee’s Assignments listview. Completed status is to be used when the assignee has finished the assignment.
The Assignment Start field allows you to set the date that the assignment is set to begin. The Assignment End date can be filled out, if the date that the assignment will be ending is known. Otherwise, this field can be left blank until the assignment is completed.
Then add any notes regarding the assignment in the Assignment Note field.
If there are any associated cases that should also be assigned to the User, there will be an option to copy the assignment to those associated cases. Simply select the cases from the options that are presented.
You may send a notification to the assignee that they have received an Assignment. For more information regarding sending Assignment Notifications, please review the training titled “Sending Assignment Notifications”.
After all required fields have been filled out, and any other pertinent information has been entered for the assignment, click either “Save and Add Another Assignment” to create this assignment and create another one, or click “Save and Return to Case” to create the assignment and be taken back to the Case Profile page.
Once the assignment has been created, it will appear in a couple places. One place is in the Assignments Listview on the Case profile page to which the assignment belongs.
The other place it will appear is in either the “My Pending Assignments” listview or the “Case Assignments” listview on the Home Page.