
The Contacts page allows you to view contact information for all staff members at your site and also partner agencies that you work with. This is the “master list” that is shared with all centers within your network. The Contacts tab displays a list of all Contacts across the network.  The Users tab displays a list of Contacts that also have a User Account that allows that person to log in to Collaborate. Site and Network Administrators can add, update, or inactivate Contacts and Users from this page.

To make updates to a particular Contact or User, locate the individual’s name on the Contacts or Users tab within the Contacts page. Click the individual’s name to view their profile and to make updates to their profile.

Create New Contact

NOTE: Some of this functionality is usually limited to Site and Network Administrators. If you receive a 'You do not have permission...' message when attempting to create a new contact, contact your Site or Network Administrator for further assistance.

To create a new contact, navigate to the Contacts page and click Create New Contact. On the page that follows you can enter the individual’s name, organization, and other contact information.

At the bottom of the page, you will have the option to click the Continue (B) button to save the individual in the system as a Contact. Once saved, the individual will appear on Contact Search fields throughout the system, can be connected to Cases as an Assignee, etc., etc. for your entire network. (Alternatively, you can select the Save and Create User Account (A) if you wish to go the extra step and create a user account for the individual.)

Create New User

Users are contacts that also can log in to Collaborate and access information based on their Roles.

NOTE: Some of this functionality is usually limited to Site and Network Administrators. If you receive a 'You do not have permission...' message when attempting to create a new user, contact your Site or Network Administrator for further assistance.

To create a New User, first, follow the same steps as creating a New Contact. At the bottom of the page, instead of clicking the Continue button (B), select Save and Create User Account (A).

On the following page, select the individual’s User Role (B) you wish to apply. Also, select any Sub Roles and/or Programs (1) that apply to the individual. If you are unsure what each Role and/or Sub Role allows and disallows, you can view their settings in another tab by clicking the link (A).

NOTE: Some networks do not have Sub-Roles and Programs. Therefore, you may not see these options on your screen.

Resend All Expired Activations

NOTE: This functionality is usually limited to Site and Network Administrators. If you receive a 'You do not have permission...' message when attempting to create a new contact, contact your Site or Network Administrator for further assistance.

When Activation Links are sent to individuals, they must click the link and establish their password within a certain time frame. If they fail to do so, their activation link will expire. In Collaborate, it is easy to resend all expired activation links. To do so, navigate to the Contacts page and select the Resend All Expired Activations link within the Actions section on the left side of the page. Upon confirmation, the system will then resend an activation link to all individuals that had an expired activation link.

NOTE: If you do not see the link on the page that means that there are currently no expired activations.

Contact Status

NOTE: Some of this functionality is usually limited to Site and Network Administrators. If you receive a 'You do not have permission...' message when attempting to manage contact status, contact your Site or Network Administrator for further assistance.

To make updates to a particular Contact or User, locate the individual’s name on the Contacts or Users tab within the Contacts page. Click the individual’s name to view their profile.

The Contact Status, located on the left side of the page, indicates the individual's current Contact, User Record, and Login Active statuses (1). To change any of the settings, click the Manage Status (A) link.

The three options include:

Contact Active

The Contact Active setting specifies whether or not the individual’s name will appear in Contact Searches throughout the system. If you want the individual’s name to appear as a potential answer for fields such as Service Provider, Assignee, and others, set this value to Yes. If you no longer want the name to appear in those contact searches, select No. Note that if you change this value to No, the individual’s name will remain as the answer for previous instances where the name was selected.

User Record Active

The User Record Active settings specifies whether or not the individual can receive automated messages and reminders from Collaborate. In most instances, when the individual actively works at the organization this answer should be Yes. If/when the individual is no longer employed at the organization, usually this option is set to No.

Login Active

The Login Active setting specifies whether or not the individual has the ability to login to Collaborate and access information based upon their Role. When an individual leaves the organization, this setting should probably be set to No.

User Information

NOTE: Some of this functionality is usually limited to Site and Network Administrators. If you receive a 'You do not have permission...' message when attempting to make any updates to user information, contact your Site or Network Administrator for further assistance.

The User Information section allows you to change the individual’s Username (A). You can also view information about the last time the individual logged in and also when their activation was completed.

The Network Access section allows you to see which Site(s) within the network the individual has access to. If you wish to grant the individual access to an additional site within the network, click the Grant Access link next to the corresponding network. On the following page, you can then select the Site, Role, Sub Role(s), and/or Program(s) for which the individual should have access.

To edit the individual’s settings for a particular site, select the Edit link next to the Site for which you wish to make changes. You can also revoke access to a particular site from the individual. To do so, select the Revoke link next to the corresponding site.

If a new user is unable to receive the automated account activation email from Collaborate. First make sure the email address entered in the user’s profile is correct. If the email address is correct, it’s possible that the new user’s email settings are inadvertently flagging the automated message as spam. You can likely overcome this issue by using the Copy Activation Link to Clipboard feature located in the User Information section to send the link to the new user via your own email account.

To copy the activation link, click the clipboard icon in Collaborate (as shown above). The link will be copied to your clipboard. You can then open your own email application, create a new email message, then paste the link into the body of the email. Then send the email to the new user.

NOTE: If a user does not have a pending activation, the Activation Link: Copy to Clipboard option will not be visible.

Contact Actions

NOTE: Some of this functionality is usually limited to Site and Network Administrators. If you receive a 'You do not have permission...' message when attempting to make any updates to contact information, contact your Site or Network Administrator for further assistance.

Edit Contact Information

To make updates to a particular Contact, locate the individual’s name on the Contacts or Users tab within the Contacts page. Click the individual’s name. On the following page, select Edit Contact Information. On the following page the individual’s information will be visible in edit mode. Make any necessary changes. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Continue to save the changes.

Send Password Reset

If a User is having difficulty with their password, you can click the Send Password Reset link located within the user's profile. To do so, locate the individual’s name on the Contacts or Users tab within the Contacts page. Click the individual’s name. On the following page, select Send Password Reset.

After confirming the action, Collaborate will send an email to the individual (via the email address in the User’s profile) with a link that they can use to reset their password. This action delivers the same email as if the user themselves selected and completed the steps from the Forgot Your Password link on the Collaborate login page.

Add Note

To add a miscellaneous note to a contact's or user's profile, locate the individual’s name on the Contacts or Users tab within the Contacts page. Click the individual’s name. On the following page, select Add Note. On the following page add the note. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Continue to save the changes.

Multi-Factor Authentication

The Multi-Factor Authentication (“MFA”) section of the user’s profile page indicates whether or not the user has enabled MFA for their account. If the user has enabled MFA, you will see a link to disable MFA for the user. Use this option when the user has lost access to their device containing the MFA code. The user can then gain access to their account using only their username and password only. As soon as possible, the user will need to re-enable MFA when they have access to their device.

See the article on Multi-Factor Authentication for more information on how to setup MFA on your own account.

See Also: