• Account Manager - A Network Ninja employee responsible for the success of your application.
  • Application Administrator - Individuals who are designated to be responsible for application management and for authorize customizations to the application.
  • Listview - A data table that is utilized to sort and view information. See Listviews
  • Lookups - A list of predefined options to select for an answer to a particular field. See Field Types
  • User Interface - Graphic display format that Users communicate with while utilizing a program.
  • Toggler - Togglers enable more than one input for a particular question. Some examples are phone numbers, Associated Cases, or Allegations. See Field Types for more information. 
  • View Mode - The status of a page after it has been created, input, and saved. Pages in View Mode are not able to be edited. 
  • Edit Mode - The status of a page while creating or editing. Fields will appear to have open boxes that can be manipulated. See Create a New Case.  
  • MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication is an extremely important security measure that all Collaborate Users should utilize. It drastically improves the safe keeping of your organization's data and sensitive PHI. 
  • Service Mapping - Displays the various components and attributes, including dependencies, of a service.
  • System Error - A message that displays after a system malfunction. Collaborate makes these occurrences very obvious by displaying red text reading, "BUG REPORT". If a User encounters this situation, they should submit a Support Ticket.
  • User -  An individual who is logged into the Collaborate application with a User Account.
  • User Account - A profile which is associated to a username, a password, and an email address.