The Case Reviews tab allows you to schedule upcoming Case Review Staffings. Additionally, you can view and conduct Case Review Staffings or view the individual Case Review Requests.

Sidebar Actions

  • Schedule New Case Review Staffing - Schedule new staffing with pending Case Review Requests.
  • Send All Pending Invitations - Send out invitation emails to all invitees listed in the Staffing. This will include a schedule with the location, date & time of the staffing requests they are a part of.


Case Review Staffings 

A list of all scheduled case review staffings. The listview may include the following information:

  • Start Date/Time - The date and time the staffing is scheduled to start.
  • Title - The title of the case review staffing.
  • Location - Information about the location of the staffing.
  • Actions - You can click View to navigate to the case review staffing page or Conduct to begin the staffing.

Case Review Requests

A list of all individual Case Review Requests. This listview contains an overview of each case review request including: 

  • Review on or after - The date entered when the case review request was made.
  • Client - The name and id number of the case for who the review is for.
  • Reason for Review - The Reason for Review selected when the request was made.
  • Case Review Status - Indicates the status of the case review request.
  • Estimated Start  - Displays the estimated start time for this case review if the case has been scheduled in a case review staffing and the auto-estimate feature was used.
  • Actions - You can click View Request to navigate to the request for the client or you can click View Staffing to see additional information about the case review staffing.

See Also: