Working With Assignments

Assignments allow you to specify the involved in the Case. There are two primary locations from which you can view Assignments: the Home Tab or the Case Profile.

On the Home Tab, you can view all cases that have been assigned to you in the Case Assignments listview. From this list view you can:

  • See basic information related to the assignment.
  • Click the Name or Case Id Number in the Case column to open the Case Profile.
  • Click Complete in the Action column to mark the assignment as complete.

On the main Case Profile tab, you can view all assignments for the current case in the Assignments listview. From this listview, you can:

  1. Click Name under the Assignee column to view more information about an assignee.
  2. Complete the assignment by clicking either Click to Complete under the Assignment End column or Complete under Actions.
  3. View information about the assignment by clicking View under the Actions column.

Add an Assignment

To add a new assignment, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Case Profile for the case you would like to add the assignment to. 
  2. Click Case Actions to expand the list of actions.
  3. Click Add or Edit Assignments.
  4. Fill out the fields on the Assignment form:
    1. Assignment Type: Select the role that the Assignee will have with the case.
    2. Assignment Queue: Select No , unless you intend to utilize the Assignment Queue feature.
    3. Assignee: Search for and select the Contact you wish to assign to the case.
    4. Assignment Status: Select the starting assignment status of the assignee at the time that you create the assignment; This value can be changed later if/when needed.
    5. Assignment Start: Select the date at which the assignee assumes the assignment for the case.
    6. Assignment End: Select the date at which the assignee is no longer assigned to the case as the assignment type that is specified.
    7. Assignment Note: Enter any miscellaneous notes pertaining to the assignment.
    8. Copy Assignment to Associated Cases: Select any cases for which you would like to also apply the same Assignment settings as entered above for the current case.
  5. Click Save and Add Another Assignment or Save and Return to Case

Edit an Existing Assignment

To edit an existing assignment, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Case Profile for the case you would like to edit the assignment for.
  2. Click Case Actions to expand the list of actions.
  3. Click Add or Edit Assignments.
  4.  In the Assignments listview, click View next to the assignment you wish to edit.
  5. While viewing the Assignment form, click Edit Assignment in the Sidebar under the Service Action header.
  6. Make necessary changes to the assignment
  7. Click Save and Go To Case or Save

Delete an Existing Assignment

To delete an existing assignment, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Case Profile for the case you would like to edit the assignment for.
  2. Click Case Actions to expand the list of actions.
  3. Click Add or Edit Assignments.
  4.  In the Assignments listview, click View next to the assignment you wish to edit.
  5. While viewing the Assignment form, click Delete Assignment in the Sidebar under the Service Action header.
  6. Confirm your intent to delete

Assignment Queue

When you create an assignment for the queue, the assignment will be created without an Assignee and display on all users hope page who have a Contact Type matching the Assignment Type, allowing the first available user to accept the assignment.

For example, setting the Assignment Type to Mental Health and Assignment Queue to Yes. All users for the site that are in Collaborate as Mental Health providers will see the case name appear in their Pending Assignment Queue tab on their Collaborate Home page.

Adding an Assignment to Assignment Queue

To add a new Assignment Queue entry:

  1. Navigate to the Case Profile for the case you would like to add the assignment to. 
  2. Click Case Actions to expand the list of actions.
  3. Click Add or Edit Assignments.
  4. Fill out the fields on the Assignment form:
    1. Assignment Type: Select the role that the Assignee will have with the case.
    2. Assignment Queue: Select Yes
    3. Assignment Start: Select the date at which the assignee assumes the assignment for the case.
    4. Assignment End: Select the date at which the assignee is no longer assigned to the case as the assignment type that is specified.
    5. Assignment Note: Enter any miscellaneous notes pertaining to the assignment.
    6. Copy Assignment to Associated Cases: Select any cases for which you would like to also apply the same Assignment settings as entered above for the current case.

Accepting an Assignment from the Assignment Queue

To accept an assignment, use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Home tab.
  2. In the Pending Assignment Queue,:
    1. Click Accept next to the case that you wish to accept

Note: If there are no pending assignments that you are eligible to accept, the Pending Assignment Queue listview will not appear on your Home tab.

See Also: