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This article will discuss the process of creating a Custom Form. Custom Forms can be created via Cases, Services, and/or Activities, depending on how the custom forms have been configured.

To create a Custom Form, start on a case, service, or activity profile page and look for the Custom Form Actions under Case Actions in the left hand sidebar. If you do not see these actions on a particular case, service, or activity, that means that no custom forms have been configured for those particular case types, services, or activities.

In the Custom Form Actions section, select the Form you would like to create in the Forms dropdown. Notice that the options are separated into Network-wide forms, and Site-specific forms.

Once you have selected the form you want to create, click the Create button.

You will then be directed to the form itself, where you can enter in the information as needed.

Once you have entered in the information on the form, you can click “Save & Add Another” to instantly create a new form to be filled out again.

You can also click “Save & Return to Case” to save the form and be taken to the case profile page.

Lastly, you can click “Save & View Record” to save the form and be taken to a page where you can review the information that was just entered on the form.

Once you have saved the form, the form will appear in a new Listview on the case profile page. If the form has been configured to appear in its own specific listview, the listview name will be specific to that custom form type, with specific configured fields appearing in the listview. Otherwise, the form will appear in a generic Custom Forms listview.

To review the full information on the custom form, click the “View” link next to the desired form that you would like to review.

You will then be directed to the custom form profile page where you can review the information that was entered on the form.

Custom and External Forms