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This article will discuss the process of creating New Notification Templates.

To start creating a New Notification Template, click the “Create New Template” link on the Notification Templates page.

Clicking the Create New Template link will direct you to the Notification Template creation page.

First, create a name for the Template that you are creating.

Specific Templates can be created for each Specific Module.  The module you want to create the template for can be chosen using the Module Type dropdown.

Selecting a Module Type will bring up the remaining template fields.

The “Default for Type” option allows you to determine whether or not the Template you are creating should be the default template for the particular Module Type template you are creating.

This default can be set for each Module Type independently. For more detailed information on default template functionality, please read the article titled Default Template Functionality

After determining whether the template you are creating should be the default template, you can then type in what text you want to appear in the Subject of the Template (that is, the subject of the notification that gets sent out when using this template).

Next, type in the text that you want to appear in the Body of the Template (that is, the body of the notification that gets sent out when using this template). 

Optionally, if you want the SMS Body to appear differently than the main Template Body, you can also set what text you want to appear in the SMS Body of the template (that is, the body of the notification that gets sent out via SMS message when using this template).

If you leave the SMS Body field blank, the SMS Body will default to the Body of the Notification Template.

Both the Body and SMS Body of the template support the use of “Magic Words.” Magic words are specific words that can be used to auto-fill in information that is sent in the Body of the Notification. The list of available Magic words can be found at the bottom of the Template creation page.

To use Magic Words, simply enclose the magic word in the percentage symbol. For more information about Magic Words, please read the article titled Notifications - Magic Words

Once you have entered in all of the information for the Template you are creating, click “Create Notification Template”.

To view a preview of what the Template that you just created will look like, either View or Edit the Template via the Site Notification Template listview.

You will now see both an Email Notification Preview and SMS Notification Preview.

See Also: