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This article will discuss Notification Settings and how to manage them.

Notification Settings can be used to customize various sections of the notifications that are sent out of Collaborate.

Notification Settings are managed at the Site Level, via the Site Profile page, so in order to manage Notification Settings, you will need to have the appropriate Role Permissions of “Manage Site Profile”.

To manage Notification Settings, navigate to the Network Tab, and click on your Site Name to be taken to the Site Profile page.

On the left hand side of the page, under Site Actions, you will see the “Notification Settings” link.

Clicking the “Notification Settings” link will direct you to a page where various Notification settings can be updated.

The Contact Phone field is the phone number that will appear in Email and SMS notifications

The Contact Email field is the email address that will appear in Email and SMS notifications

The Contact Website field is the website address that will appear in Email and SMS Notifications

Information entered into the SMS Body Footer field is what will appear in the body footer of SMS notifications

Information entered into the Email Body Footer field is what will appear in the body footer of Email notifications.

Information entered into the Email Tax Exemption field is what will appear after the contact information in Email notifications.

Information entered into the Email Disclaimer field is what will appear after the tax exemption message in Email notifications.

Some other Notification Settings that can be updated on this page, are settings that Activate or Deactivate various Notification methods and Notification modules. These can be accessed by clicking “Yes” in the “Customize Notification Methods and Modules field. Leaving this field set to No will keep all of the settings to their Default values. By default, all of the Methods and Modules are set to “Yes”.


The “Enable Message Notifications?” field is used to determine whether or not Users can send notifications via Collaborate’s internal Message Center.

The ”Enable Email Notifications?” field is used to determine whether or not Users can send notifications via email.

The ”Enable SMS Notifications?” field is used to determine whether or not Users can send notifications via SMS Message.

The “Enable Task Notifications?” field is used to determine whether or not Notifications for Tasks can be sent out of Collaborate.

The “Enable Assignment Notifications?” field is used to determine whether or not Notifications for Assignments can be sent out of Collaborate.

The “Enable Case Notifications?” field is used to determine whether or not Notifications can be sent out of Collaborate via the Case Profile page.

See Also: