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This article will discuss the process of Conducting Case Reviews on a Staffing.

There are two ways to start the process of Conducting a Staffing.

The first option is to click the “Conduct” link next to the staffing in the Case Review Staffings listview on the main case review page.

The second option is to View the Case Review Staffing you are looking to Conduct, and then click the “Conduct this Staffing” link.

If the Staffing’s Invitees are being managed at the Staffing level, then you will first be asked to take attendance for the staffing. If you do wish to take attendance, set the attendance for each Invitee and click “Update Attendees and Conduct Staffing”.

If you do not wish to take attendance yet, click the “Conduct” button.

Once you get to the Case Review form, you will want to fill out all of the pertinent information.

If a case that is on the staffing ends up not being discussed, there is the option to “Skip - Attendee Not Present”. Utilizing this link will remove the current case from the staffing, and place it back into the Case Review Requests listview.

At the bottom of the Case Review form there is the “Recommendations” section. Recommendations for the case can be added via this section.

If you know that a case will need another Case Review after the one you are currently conducting, there is also an option at the bottom of the Case Review form to Create a New Case Review Request. 

Once you are finished with the current Case Review, click “Complete and go to Next Review”

In the instance that you may need to come back to a Case Review in the staffing, but not remove it from the staffing, there is an option to “Save as Not Complete”. The Case Review will not be marked as complete, and you will be able to conduct it at your convenience.

Continue the process of filling out all pertinent information for each case until all of the Case Reviews have been conducted on the Staffing. You will know that you are conducting the final review when the button on the bottom of the page says “Complete.”

Once the Staffing has been fully completed, all of the cases on the staffing will be marked as Completed, and the Staffing itself will also be marked as Completed.

The Case Review Status for the cases will be updated to accurately reflect their status.

Lastly, the Case Review services for each individual case can be found by going to the individual case’s profile page, and then checking the Case Review listview.

See Also: