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This article will discuss the process of Sending Pending Invitations for Case Review Staffings.

Clicking the “Send Pending Invitations for This Staffing” link and confirming on the following page will send an email notification to all of the Invitees on the Staffing.

In order to receive the Email notification, Invitees must have an email address on file.

If the Invitee is a Collaborate User, then the email will contain a list of Case ID#’s that they will be reviewing, along with a link to a PDF Packet containing information about the cases.

If the Invitee is just a Contact (that is, not a User), then the email will still contain a list of Case ID#’s that they will be working on, but they will not have a link to the PDF Packet.

There are two ways to check the invitation status of Invitees, depending on whether or not the Invitees are being managed at the overall Staffing level, or at the individual Case Review level.

If the Invitees are being managed at the overall Staffing level, then the Invitation Status can be seen in the Staffing Invitees listview on the Case Review Staffing page.

An Invitation Status of “Invitation Pending” indicates that the Invitation has not yet been sent.

If the Invitees are being managed at the individual Case Review level, then the invitation Status can be seen in the Invitees listview when reviewing the individual case’s Case Review Request.

An Invitation Status of “Sent” with a time stamp indicates that the Invitation has been sent.

See Also: