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This article will discuss the process of deleting a Case Review Staffing.

On rare occasions, a Case Review Staffing will need to be deleted.  Depending on your Role Permissions, you may see a “Delete this Staffing” Action. This Action is typically reserved for Network or Site Administrators. If you are not seeing this link and need a Staffing to be deleted, reach out to your Supervisor or Administrator and they will be able to assist you.

This Action allows you to delete the Case Review Staffing in its entirety. Performing this action will ONLY delete the Staffing itself. Any cases on the Staffing will be placed back into the Case Review Requests listview in Pending Status. 

If the Case Reviews on the Staffing were already conducted for any of the cases, those will remain intact and can be found on the Case Profile page of the individual cases.

Those cases can be placed onto a new Case Review staffing and re-conducted. The information on those Case Reviews will still be saved, and you will not have to re-enter any information.

If no Case Reviews have been conducted on the Staffing, then the Staffing will be deleted, and the cases will be placed back into the Case Review Requests listview to be added to a new Staffing.

To delete a Case Review Staffing, click “Delete this Staffing” and confirm the deletion on the next page.

See Also: