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This article will discuss the layout of the Case Review Staffing page, as well as the various actions that can be taken on the Staffing.

The Case Review Staffing page contains an overview of the information that was entered when the Staffing was created. It also contains a listview of all of the cases that have been added to the Staffing. 

The Case Review Request for individual cases can be viewed via this list of cases by clicking the “View” link next to the case.

If the Invitees are being managed at the Staffing level, then the “Staffing Invitees” listview will also appear on this page.

Now let’s take a look at the different Staffing Actions that are available.

The first action that can be taken is to “Conduct this staffing”. This is used when it is time to conduct the Case Reviews on the Staffing. Please read the article titled Conducting a Case Review Staffing for more information about this process.

Depending on your Role Permissions, you may see a “Delete this Staffing” Action. This Action is typically reserved for Network or Site Administrators. Please read the article titled Deleting a Case Review Staffing for more information about this process.

Another action that can be taken is to Send Pending Invitations for the Staffing. Utilizing this link will send email notifications to all the Invitees on the Staffing. Please read the article titled Sending Case Review Staffing Invitations for more information about this process.

Should any information about the Case Review Staffing need to be edited, this can be done so by clicking on the “Edit this Staffing” link. Case Review Staffings can be edited as long as all or some of the Case Reviews on the staffing have not yet been conducted.

Another action that can be taken is to Manage Attendance of invitees on the Staffing. This Action will only appear if the Invitees are being managed at the overall Staffing level. Please read the article titled Managing Staffing Attendance

for more information about this process.

Another action that can be taken is to Manage Invitees on the Staffing. This Action will only appear if the Invitees are being managed at the overall Staffing level. Please read the article titled Managing Staffing Invitees for more information about this process.

The final Staffing Action that is available is the “Add Another Case to this Staffing” action. Cases that have an existing Case Review Request can be added via this action. New Case Review Requests can be created via this action as well. Please read the article titled Adding Another Case to Staffings for more information about this process.

See Also: