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This article will discuss how to Schedule a Case Review Staffing for cases that have been requested for Case Review.

To Schedule a Case Review staffing, click the “Schedule New Case Review Staffing” link in the Actions box in the left hand sidebar on the main Case Review page. You will then be taken to the Case Review Staffing creation page.

Enter a Title, set a Location, and enter any pertinent Location Details for the Staffing.

The Invitees / Attendance Managed By field allows you to manage and take attendance for Invitees at either the Staffing level, or at the individual Case Review level. 

If you select Staffing, you will be prompted to enter Invitees at the Staffing level. Once the page has been saved, this setting cannot be changed.

If you select “Case Review” then the Invitees will be managed at the individual Case Review level. Once the page has been saved, this setting cannot be changed.

Be sure to select the MDT County of the Staffing so that the County for which the MDT Staffing occurred is formally documented.

Set the Date of the Staffing, as well as the Start and End times for the Staffing.

If you know the estimated time each Case Review will take to perform, you can utilize the “Auto Estimate Review Start Times?” feature. See the Auto Estimate Review Start Times article for an in-depth explanation of this functionality.

Once the main information regarding the Staffing has been entered, you can now Add Cases to the Staffing.

Simply select cases from the Case Reviews Pending listview, and they will be added to the list of cases on the Staffing.

If the cases need to be in a specific order on the Staffing, you can easily drag and drop the cases into the desired order once you have selected them from the Case Review Pending listview.

Once all of the cases have been added to the Staffing, click “Save and View Case Review Staffing”.

Now that the Staffing has been created, you will notice that the Case Review status on the cases have been updated to “Scheduled” along with the date that the Staffing was scheduled for.

See Also: