Click the following link to view an On-Demand video of the contents of this article: 

Activity Module Enhancements Overview Video


  • Introduction
  • Goal of the Enhancements
  • Overview of Changes
    • Permissions Updates
    • Managing Activities at the Site level
    • New Listview
    • Enable Activities
    • Add Activities Category
  • Activity Category Dropdown


This article will discuss the enhancements to the Activity Module released in July 2022.

Goal of the Enhancements

The primary goal of the Activity Module enhancements is to grant Site Administrators the ability to manage their own site-specific Activities. We call this “Per Site Activity Configuration”.

A brief but important note: These enhancements were made for Multi-Site and Multi-Network implementations of Collaborate. If your implementation is for a Single Site, then you will not see any changes to your Activity Module.

Overview of Changes

Permissions Updates

The first topic of discussion is: minor changes to Activity Permissions. 

In the Admin Permissions section of Permissions, there are now two permission settings related to Activities:

  1. Administer Activities

  2. Administer Site Activities

The “Administer Site Activities” is a new set of permissions. The “Administer Site Activities” permissions grant Users the ability to manage activities at the Site level. Network Administrators will need to update the various Site Administrator roles accordingly.

The recommended configuration for this section of permissions for Users in the Site Administrator role is as follows:

  1. Administer Activities = No Access

  2. Administer Site Activities = Create, View, Edit, Disable

Once the appropriate changes  have been made to Roles regarding their activity management permissions, Users in those roles will now see the other changes to Activities and be able to manage their own site-specific Activities.

Managing Activities at the Site level

Site level management of Activities is done via the Site profile page. 

New Listview

At the bottom of the Site Profile page, a new listview will be visible, containing two tabs: Site Activity Categories, and Network Activity Categories. The Site Activity Categories listview can be used to View and Edit existing  Site Activity Categories. 

The Network Categories listview can be used to View existing Network Activity Categories that have been configured by Network Administrators.

Enable Activities

Another addition to the Site profile page is the “Enable Activities” option. This allows sites to turn Activities On (or off) for their Center depending on whether or not they would like to utilize the Activity Module. Turning off the Enable Activities option makes it so that the Activities tab does not display alongside the other tabs at the top of each page.

Add Activities Category 

The final addition to the Site Profile page is the new Action “Add Activities Category”. Clicking this link will allow the User to add a new Activity Category. No changes have been made to the process for adding new and managing existing Activity Categories, and their Activity Types. 

For instructions for how to Manage Activity Categories and Activity Types, please reference the existing Activity Module training materials.


Activity Category Dropdown

The final change to the Activity module is to the Activity Category dropdown on the Activities tab.

If Site-specific Activity Categories have been added, the Activity Category dropdown will contain two distinct sections: Site Categories, and Network Categories.

See Also: