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This article is about how to Administer the Document Queue.

Document Queue Administration is typically only available to Site and/or Network Administrators.

The Document Queue can be Administered by clicking the “Document Queue Settings” link in the Actions section on the left hand side of the Documents screen.

Inboxes listview

The Inboxes Listview contains a list of all the Document Queue Inboxes that have been created for your Network.

Adding an Inbox

The first order of business when Administering the Document Queue is to set up an Inbox to which Users can send their documents.

To Add an Inbox, click the Add New Inbox button.

1. Inboxes must be assigned to specific Sites, so the first thing you will need to do is search for your Site and select it.

2. Next, create a Name for the Inbox. It is recommended to make the name unique to your center.

3. Once you have created a name for the Inbox, you can then set your Inbox Address. Setting your inbox address involves setting a prefix for your inbox email address. 

NOTE: It is recommended that you use a prefix that will be unique to your organization by using your site's name as part of the Inbox name. For example: If your organization is Acme Child Advocacy Center, use an Inbox name like 'acme_cac_scans@...' or 'acmecac_docs@...' This will reduce the chances of you trying to create an email address that has already been reserved by another site.

Once you have set your Inbox Address, scroll down and click Continue.

Now, when you go to the Document Queue Settings, you will see your newly added Inbox in the Inboxes listview.

See Also: