After clicking the Crosstab link from the Additional Display Formats section, a box will appear like this:

Click the pencil icon to edit the settings for the Crosstab. When you click the pencil, a popup window will appear:

Enter the name of the Crosstab into the Title box (a). The Columns section (1) and the Rows section (2) each have the following:

  • Source: specifies which field you want to have for the corresponding header
  • Bins: allows you to group values. For example, for Age At Intake, you can group ages by typing 0-5, 6-10, 11-14, 15-18, and so on.
  • Subsection: allows you to subdivide the column or row by an additional field.
  • Subsection Bins: allows you to group subsection values in the same way you can with the source.

For the Cell Value section, you have the following options:

  • Source (b): specifies which field you want the crosstab to use to calculate the totals. This field is usually set to Row Count.
  • One Crosstab per Value (c): allows you to force the system to create one crosstab for each value of the field you select here. This is often used when you try to use subsections but it causes the crosstab to become too large.
  • Operator (d): allows you to specify how the report should count each value in the Cell Value Source. This is usually set to Sum.

Ignore the Zero Format field (e) as it has no effect for non-Network Ninja User accounts.

After entering the settings, click Apply or Apply And Refresh to close the popup window and return to the Report in Edit Mode.

See Also: