Filters allow you to limit the data down to only what you want to be included in your report. To view the filters that are currently applied and/or available in the report, click the triangle next to the Filters link to expand the section. You will see the list of filters and their current settings. It will resemble this:

The filter operator And or Or (a) will be visible with branches underneath indicating which arguments apply to which filter(s). In the example above, the filters would be read as, “The report will display Cases that are not invalid and have an Intake Date during the current year and their Case Type is Client where the Race is Asian, Biracial, Native American, White Non-Latino or Caucasian or their Bio-Sex is Male.”

To create And and Or groupings like the example above, click the filter you wish to group and drag it to another filter you wish to have in the group. You can then click the And/Or button to toggle between the two filter operators. In the example above, the Bio-Sex filter was clicked and dragged over the Race filter to form the group. Then the operator button that was created was clicked to change it from an And to an Or operator.

To add an additional filter, select the field from the Select a column for the new filter dropdown list and then click the Add Filter button (1). The field will then appear along with the existing filters. (Note: To add a filter, the field must already be in the report.) To change the filter’s settings, click the pencil next to the appropriate filter (b). A popup window will appear similar to this:

The settings for a particular filter have two primary sections. The Comparison section has the Operator and Value(s) options (1). For the Operator, you can select options such as: Is Any of, Is Null (Unanswered), Is Not Null (Answered), Is in the Date Range, Has A Date After, Age Range is, etc., etc. Depending on the field and the Operator you selected, the Value(s) section may be a textbox where you can type in the values you wish. It may also be a lookup list where you can select the values--for example, a list of Case Types. It may also have custom fields that you can fill in--for example, a date range where you can fill in boxes for the month, day, and year.

The Exclude checkbox allows you to exclude the items you have selected in your Value(s) list. For the example above, the filter is set to Exclude Case Types of Staff. You can quickly select or deselect the Value(s) options by clicking the Select All or Select None buttons accordingly. For lookup lists, you can check the Show Inactive checkbox to force the Value(s) list to display lookup options that were once, but are no longer, available to Users when they fill in the particular field.

In the Attributes Section (2), you can select whether or not Users have the ability to modify the filter’s settings when the report is run in View Mode. To ‘lock’ the filter so Users (in View Mode) can not change the filter’s settings, uncheck the Viewer Modifiable box. The Viewer Label box allows you to specify how the particular label appears in View Mode. You can group filters by Category by typing in a name of a category in the Filter Category For View Mode. If you wish to hide a filter in View Mode, place a check in the Advanced box. The Case Invalid field is one good candidate for selecting the Advanced checkbox.

See Also: