
After establishing the Report’s basic framework, you will be presented with the Report in Edit Mode. This is where you can make additional adjustments to the report such as (including but not limited to); add crosstabs and other tools to present the information you are seeking, adding and adjusting filters, rearranging columns to appear more intuitive to the User, etc. This section describes the overall layout so you know what the different features are. Later in this document, how to use these features will be described.

Top Section Features

Save Changes

This link saves the report’s settings in its current state. It is recommended to save the report whenever significant changes have been made and verified. To ensure the report saves as desired, only click the Save Changes link when the report is not processing. Remember to click Save Changes before exiting the report’s edit mode.

Save As

This link allows you to save the report’s settings in its current state with a different report name. Use this option when you have made changes to an existing report and you want to save those settings as a different report. It is recommended to save the report whenever significant changes have been made and verified. To ensure the report saves as desired, only click the Save As link when the report is not processing.

NOTE: If you make changes to a report and it causes unintended results that you are unable to fix, you can exit the report edit page without clicking either of the save options. This will revert the report to its most recent saved state.

Edit Permissions

This link allows you to specify which site(s) have access to the report, which roles are allowed to view the report, and which roles are allowed to edit/delete the report. For more information, see the Report Permissions article.

Add Column

This link opens the Reports Library to allow you to add more fields (or columns) to the report. It works the same way as the initial report creation except here the list appears in a popup window. For more information, see the Add Columns article.

Advanced Add Columns

This link is only available to Users that have participated in the Advanced Reports webinar. If a field that you need in your report is not found in the Reports Library you can use this feature to add it to your report without the need to submit a support request. For more information, see the Advanced Add Columns article.

Export Configuration

This option is only used by Network Ninja developers. You can ignore this link.

Edit Library

This option is only available to top-level Network Administrators. It allows you to remove excess fields from the Reports Library or duplicates that have been added inadvertently by Users. Note to Network Administrators: Before making changes to the Reports Library, contact Network Ninja for guidance. It is not possible to undo changes made via this feature without developer intervention and is not considered part of standard/included support.

Middle Section Features


To view the report’s attributes, click the corresponding option on the page or the triangle/arrow next to it. This will expand the list of options.

The Attributes has the following options that can be edited:

  • The Name field displays the name of the report. For more information, see the Report Name article.
  • The Show Tabular Format? setting determines whether the raw results of the report will be displayed in View Mode. The default value for this option is checked/enabled. When selected, the report will show the listview “raw data” at the bottom of the report when in edit mode. If deselected, the report in edit mode will not display the “raw data” at the bottom of the report. Note, the Tabular Format (lisview) will always appear in the report in edit mode regardless of the setting here. If your report is taking extended time to load, you can disable this option to improve performance when viewing the report in view mode.
  • Run On Open specifies whether the report automatically runs when the report is selected from the reports list. The default value for this attribute is checked/enabled. It is recommended to uncheck/disable this feature if the User is likely going to change filter settings when running the report before viewing the report’s information.
  • The View All data when report is opened? setting specifies whether the report automatically loads the entire report results when opened in View Mode at one time. The default value for this attribute is False/Unchecked which allows the different sections of the report to load on the screen as soon as the processing for that section is completed. It is recommended to leave this option set to False/Unchecked.
  • The Enable Nestloop feature is used in some reports to improve performance. Unless your report is taking several minutes to load it is recommended to leave this option set to its default False/Unchecked.
  • The Notes section displays the details listed at the top of the report in view mode and also in the reports listview. You can make any changes here as described in the notes to display at the top of the report article.
  • Instead of using Excel Output, it is recommended to utilize the .csv output instead. For more information, see the Working with CSV & PDF Outputs article. You can ignore the Excel Output option here.
  • The Active - Show in Reports List option can be used to set whether or not the report will be displayed on the Reports List page. By default this option is set to Checked/Enabled. If you believe you no longer need the report but still wish to keep it for archival purposes you can uncheck this box. To view the report later, adjust the Reports List filters to Active? = No.


To view the report’s filters, click the corresponding option on the page or the triangle/arrow next to it. This section allows you to add, remove, and edit filters and their settings for the report. For more information, see the Working With Filters article.

Hidden Columns

To view the report’s columns that are in the report but hidden from the report’s listview for cosmetic purposes, click the corresponding option on the page or the triangle/arrow next to it. By default, the Case Invalid field is located here because there is not really a need to see this field in the report’s listview. Fields that are hidden behave in and have the same influence on other fields in the report in the same manner as if they were visible. To edit the settings of a hidden column, click the pencil next to the corresponding field you wish to update.

Additional Display Formats

Click this option on the page or the triangle/arrow next to it to add additional display formats to your report such as crosstabs, pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, csv & pdf outputs, etc.

Bottom (Listview) Features

The bottom portion of the report displays the “raw” line-by-line list of results that matches the report’s filter criteria. You can, among other things, use this section of the report to view the cases and information that makes up the report as well as calculate basic totals information. You can also manipulate settings of individual fields to get accurate information for the particular information you are seeking in the report. For more information, see the Arranging and Working with the Listview article.

Next Steps

See the article Arranging and Working with the Listview for further information.

See Also: