NOTE: This feature is available to all networks, but may not be configured by your Network Administrators. If you do not see this feature, please contact your Network Administrator for further information.

The Activities page allows you to keep track of outreach events and indirect services that you conduct. For example, if you were invited to the local organization to give a presentation to that organization's staff, you are certainly providing a service to the community. However, that service is not tied to a particular case. Use the Activities Module to track events like this and group events that may or may not be related to a particular case that is in Collaborate. You may also keep record of group activities that you conduct with your clients.

The Activities are grouped by Categories. To schedule or conduct an Activity, first select the Activity’s Category, then select the Activity Type. Then click the Create button. To view, update, or edit an existing Activity, locate the Activity by selecting its category, then clicking the appropriate View or Edit link located in the same row as the Activity itself.

Using the Activity Module

To record an Activity:

  1. Navigate to the Activities Tab
  2. Select the desired Activity Category
  3. Select the Activity Type
  4. Click Create

Note: Once you have selected the Activity Category, the listview to the right will display the previous activities for this category that have occurred. You can adjust filters for this listview as needed.

On the next page, you will see the following fields to enter the basic information about the Activity:

  1. Name of the Activity
  2. Start Date/Time & End Date/Time
  3. Create Calendar Event? - Select whether or not you wish to have this event appear on the Collaborate Calendar. If you select yes here, an Additional Calendar Event Attendees field will appear. Enter the name(s) of the Users to whom you wish the calendar event to be visible.
  4. Activity Status - This field is similar to the Appointment Status for services. Here you can indicate whether the activity has occurred, pending, in progress, cancelled, etc.
  5. Create Activity - This button is located at the bottom of the page. It will appear after other optional questions, designated by your Network Administrator, appear on the page.

In addition to the above “standard” fields, you may or may not see some of the following fields based upon how the Activity has been configured by your Network Administrators:

  • Language(s) - Indicate the language(s) used during the Activity
  • Contact Method - Indicate whether the Activity was held in-person, remotely, etc.
  • Provider(s) - Indicate the Contact(s) and/or Organization(s) that performed or facilitated the Activity.
  • Location(s) - Indicate the Location(s) of where the Activity took place.
  • Participants & Registration - Use this section to keep track of the number of individuals, names of individuals, and/or types of individuals that participated in the Activity.

Activity Module Administration

If you are an administrator, see the article and video on Activities Module Administration to learn how you can set up the Activity Categories, Activity Types, and specify which fields are asked for each of those items that you add.

See Also: