With Collaborate’s Goal Planning Feature, your center can easily implement a goal plan to help keep things on track and help your Clients or Staff members meet their Goals.

Goal Plans are created by clicking Add Goal Plan under Case Actions in the left hand sidebar. 

Then a Goal Plan Template can be selected, Start and End Dates can be set, and the status of the Goal Plan can be set as well.

Goal Plan Templates can be set up in a combination of 3 ways. The first way is fully predefined, meaning everything in the Goal Plan is preconfigured. In this example, the Goal Categories, Goal Types, and Steps all have predefined options to select from.

The second way a Goal Template can be set up is to be partially predefined, meaning some parts of the Goal plan are preconfigured and other parts of the goal plan can be entered freehand. In this example, the Goal Category is predefined, but the Goal Steps are able to be entered freehand.

The third way Goal Templates can be setup is to be fully freehand, meaning all parts can be entered freehand when creating the Goal Plan. In this example, the Goal and the Steps are all entered freehand.

Once the Goal Plan has been created, it will appear in the Goal Plans listview on the individual’s Profile Page, where it can be viewed, and then updated as needed.

A Review process can also be incorporated into Goal Plans. From an existing goal Plan, a supervisor can select “Perform Review” to add review information to the Goal Plan. 

Please reach out to your Collaborate Account Manager, or Submit a Support Request to learn more about the Goal Planning feature.