This article will discuss how to add standalone Case Notes to a case.

Notes that are not associated with a specific service are considered to be standalone, or Case Notes. To add a Case note to a case, click “Case Note” in the Case Actions dropdown in the left hand side bar.

First, select the appropriate Note Type for the note.

Then, you may choose a desired Color Scheme.

Next, enter in a Subject line for the Note.

By Default, the Date/Time Posted is set to the current date and time that you are actively entering the note, but this can be manually updated here.

Next, enter whatever information is needed into the Body of the note.

After that, you can choose whether or not to send a notification via email to any colleagues letting them know that a Note has been added to the case by clicking Choose Recipients.

If you are opting to send the email notification, a search box will appear where you can either manually type in the email address(es) of the other Collaborate User(s), or, you can search by name and select the User(s).

Lastly, you can choose to attach a document to the note by clicking “Attach Document”.

Once you are all finished, click Continue, and the Note will be added to the case.

Any Notes that have been added to a case can be found in the Case Notes listview at the bottom of the case profile page.

New User Training Series