This article will discuss the Conflict Check feature.

Whenever you are entering a new case into Collaborate, a Conflict Check must first be performed.

Conflict Checks are performed to check and see if a person has already been entered into Collaborate. This most often occurs when the individual has prior history and has been involved with your organization or another organization within your network. 

The first field of the Conflict Check is the “Has this person been identified?” field. This field is set to “Yes” by default, but if you do not know the name of the individual you are entering, you can set this field to “No.”

Next, you must type in at least the First and Last Name of the person you are about to enter into Collaborate. It is recommended that you fill out as much information as you have available to you, such as Date of Birth and Social Security Number (if your center tracks that information),  but you at least need to enter in a first and last name in order to conduct the Conflict Check. Once you have done so, click Search.

After conducting the search, results may appear for the Site to which you are assigned and, if any other Sites in your Network are utilizing a Collaborative Conflict Check, you may see search results appear for other Sites within your Network.

You will now be presented with a few options for how to proceed. These options depend on the scenario you are encountering. The first scenario is if a Conflict Check result is the same individual, but for an older case that is related to an entirely different incident with that individual. In this scenario, you will want to click the “Create New Case From…” button. You will then proceed with the Intake process.

The second scenario is if the Conflict Check Result is the same individual and perhaps someone happened to create a case for them before you did, or you want to use the existing case. In this scenario, you will want to click the “Use this Client” button. You will then be taken to the existing case where you can update and enter any information regarding the case.

The third scenario is if the Conflict Check result is not the same individual, and the person you are entering is a brand new Client. In this scenario, you will want to click “Create and Edit New Intake”. You will then proceed with the Intake process.

New User Training Series