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This video will discuss the Application Digest. The Application Digest is a Monthly Digest that is sent to specific Users. The Application Digest provides a snapshot of Collaborate usage on a Network level. 

The Application Digest can be run manually at any time via the Admin Panel. To access the Application Digest, navigate to the Admin Panel and click on “Application Digest” under Site Administration.

You will then be directed to the Application Digest main page.

There are a few different fields that are available to run an Application Digest of your choosing. When running the Digest Type of Monthly you can select the Month, Year, and Network that you want to run the Digest for.

When running the Digest Type of Yearly, you can select the Year and the Network that you want to run the report for.

Once you have selected your desired Parameters, you can click either “Download as PDF” so that the Digest appears in a PDF Format, or you can click “Run Report” and the Digest will run and display the information in your browser window.

Here is an example of what the PDF formatted version of the Digest looks like.

Here is an example of what the Digest looks like when running it in your browser.

If you would like to be added to the list of Monthly recipients that receive the Application Digest automatically via email, please Submit a Support Request.

See Also:

Network Administration - Overview

Creating a Role

Creating a Sub Role

Security Settings

Security Settings - IP Filtering

Application Catalog

Application Catalog - Managing Services

Application Catalog - Managing Lookups

Application Catalog - Lookup Mapping

Application Catalog - Adding a New Simple Service

Case Logs