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This video will discuss the concept of Lookup Mapping.

Occasionally, when Reviewing and Editing existing lookups, you see some extra columns that contain various Lookup Mappings for the lookup.

Lookup Mapping allows you to assign certain values to existing lookups for the purpose of reporting on specific funder values. In this example, our site can capture female to male, male to female, and non-binary gender types, but our funders (PCAR, RASA, and VOCA) only want us to report on transgender. We can use lookup mapping to specify how each gender value should be mapped. This lookup mapping allows multiple different values to be mapped into a single value, for reporting purposes.

If a Lookup has Lookup Mappings available, then those mappings can be updated or set when creating a new Lookup Value, or when editing an existing Lookup Value.


Lookup Mapping can be added to any lookup, as well as to Services. If you would like to add Lookup Mapping to a lookup or service that does not already have it, please Submit a Support Request.

See Also:

Network Administration - Overview

Creating a Role

Creating a Sub Role

Security Settings

Security Settings - IP Filtering

Application Catalog

Application Catalog - Managing Services

Application Catalog - Managing Lookups

Application Catalog - Adding a New Simple Service

Application Digest

Case Logs