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This article will discuss how to access and utilize the Application Catalog. 

The Application Catalog can be used to view information regarding the multitude of forms found throughout your Collaborate implementation. The information you can review includes all questions on your network intake forms and Elaborate Services, the available options for lookup values, funder lookup mapping values, and service lookup mappings.

To Access the Application Catalog, navigate to the Admin tab, and click Application Catalog under Site Administration.

You will then be directed to the main page of the Application Catalog. This page contains a listview of all the available modules that you can review. The Modules listview will always contain at least 2 modules, Case and Services. Any other modules that you see will depend on what extra modules your Network Administrators have opted into.

To View the information for a particular Module, click the “View” link next to the desired Module.

First, we will discuss the Case Module. After clicking “View” next to the Case Module, you will be directed to a page that lists all the different Intake Types for your implementation.

To view the information regarding each particular Intake Type, click the “View” link next to the desired Intake Type.

After clicking View next to the desired Intake Type, you will be taken to the full catalog for the Intake Type.

This page contains various pieces of information that you can review. Each tab along the top of the Intake Type section corresponds to the different pages of the Intake you are reviewing.

Within each tab is a list of all the different fields that are found on each page of the intake. Each field section contains information about the Field.

This information includes what Field Type it is, what Lookup Type it is associated with, as well an option to Show Lookup Values. Clicking Show Lookup Values will expand a list of all the lookup values for that field.

To Manage Lookup values, you can click on the link of the Lookup Type. For more information on Managing Lookups, please review the article titled Application Catalog - Managing Lookups

To return to the main Application Catalog page, click on the View Application Catalog link in the left hand side bar at any time.

Next, we will discuss the Services Module. After clicking “View” next to the Services Module, you will be directed to a page that lists all the different Elaborate Services and Simple Services for your implementation.

A couple Catalog Service Actions can be found on this page as well. Those Actions are “Add New Simple Service”, and “Service Header Settings”.

For more information surrounding how to Add a New Simple Service, please review the article titled

Application Catalog - Adding a New Simple Service

For more information surrounding Service Header Settings, please review the articles regarding Organization Locations

To view the information regarding each particular Service, click the “View” link next to the desired Service.

After clicking View next to the desired Service, you will be taken to the full catalog for the Service.

There are a couple Service Actions that can be performed on this page. Clicking “View Service Types” will take you back to the list of all the Elaborate and Simple Services. Clicking Manage Service will allow you to manage the particular service you are viewing. 

For More information regarding Managing Services, please review the article titled Application Catalog - Managing Services

This page contains various pieces of information that you can review. Each tab along the top of the Service section corresponds to the different pages of the Service you are reviewing.

Within each tab is a list of all the different fields that are found on each page of the Service. Each field section contains information about the Field.

This information includes what Field Type it is, what Lookup Type it is associated with, as well an option to Show Lookup Values. Clicking Show Lookup Values will expand a list of all the lookup values for that field.

To Manage Lookup values, you can click on the link of the Lookup Type. For more information on Managing Lookups, please review the article titled Application Catalog - Managing Lookups

To return to the main Application Catalog page, click on the View Application Catalog link in the left hand side bar at any time.

See Also:

Network Administration - Overview

Creating a Role

Creating a Sub Role

Security Settings

Security Settings - IP Filtering

Application Catalog - Managing Services

Application Catalog - Managing Lookups

Application Catalog - Lookup Mapping

Application Catalog - Adding a New Simple Service

Application Digest

Case Logs