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This article will discuss how to Batch Create Activity Types at the Site level.

Batch Creating Site Activity Types allows you to create multiple Site Activity Types at once. All of the Site Activity Types created this way will be created with the same default configurations that were specified when creating the parent Site Activity Category.

Creating Batch Site Activity Types for a category can be done via the Site Activity Category Profile page.

To Batch Create Site Activity Types, click the “Batch Create Activity Type” link in the Site Activity Category Actions section.

On the next screen, enter the name for each of the Activity Types you will be creating. Utilize the Green plus button to add more entries, or the red minus button to remove entries. Once finished, click Batch Create Activity Types.

You will then be directed back to the Site Activity Category profile page. The newly created Site Activity Types will now display in the Activity Types listview at the bottom of the page.

Site Level Activity Module Administration Series