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This article will discuss how to Create Activity Categories at the Site level.

Site Activity Categories can be accessed via the Network tab.

More specifically, they can be found via the Site Profile page of the Site for which you are creating Site Activity Categories. 

Once on the Site Profile page, you can Create a New Site Activity Category by clicking the “Add Activities Category” link under Site Actions.

You will then be directed to the Site Activity Category Creation page.

Begin by entering a Category Name

Next, you will set up the configuration defaults for the Site Activity Category. This configuration will impact what fields will appear when creating new “Site Activity Types.”

Setting the Registration default to “yes” will make the various Registration fields appear. These fields will appear on Activities created in this Category. 

Type in the desired Registrant Label, then select which Registration Types you would like to be able to record on Activities.

When selecting the “Manual Count” option, the “Manual Registration Types”toggler row will appear, which will allow you to designate your own labels for Registration Types.

Next you can set “Add Other Manual Type?” to Yes or No. Choosing “Add Other Manual Type?” allows users to specify Other manual types during registration. Without this option enabled, they will be limited to only the types defined in Manual Registration Types.

Once you have finished configuring the Registration field, set whether or not Notes and Documents can be added to Activities in this Category.

Next, set whether or not Providers will be recorded on Activities in this category, and fill out the related pertinent Provider fields.

Next, set whether or not Location information will be recorded on Activities in this category, and fill out the related pertinent Location fields

Lastly, set whether or not Language and Contact Method information will be recorded on Activities in this category.

Once you have configured the Activity Category defaults, click “Create Activity Category”. You will then be directed back to the Site profile page. The Site Activity Category you just created can be found in the Site Activity Categories listview at the bottom of the page.

Existing Network Activity Categories can also be viewed here.

To view the Site Activity Category profile page of the category you just created, click the “View” link in the listview.

The Site Activity Category Profile page allows you to review information about the Activity Category.  

Various actions such as Editing or Disabling the Category as well as creating new Site Activity Types can be performed via this page.

Site Level Activity Module Administration Series