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This article will discuss how to Create Activity Types at the Network level.

Creating New Activity Types for a category can be done via the Activity Category Profile page.

To Create a New Activity Type, click the “Create New Activity Type” link in the Activity Category Actions section.

On the next screen, the Activity Type defaults will automatically be copied from the parent Activity Category.

Begin by typing in an Activity Type Name.

Next, change any configuration options for this particular Activity Type that you are creating.

Once you have configured the options for the Activity Type, click the Create Activity Type button. 

You will then be directed to the Activity Type profile page. This page contains all of the information that you entered when creating the Activity Type.

This page also contains some Activity Type Actions, where you can Edit the Activity Type to change configuration defaults, Disable the Activity Type so Users can no longer perform that Activity Type, or make an exact Copy of the Activity type.

Once you are finished, the newly Created Activity Type will appear in the Activity Types listview on the Activity Category profile page.

Network Level Activity Module Administration Series