The Person Profile collates information from multiple Cases for the same person into a single view. In this view, Users can see the most recent Services from multiple Cases, so they never miss an update. It can also give administrators better insight into an individual's experience across the organization’s programs.

See All Cases for an Individual

The Person Profile displays the most recent name that is created for an individual person. The first Listview displays all Cases created for the person at your Site. 

The tab OTHER CASES FOR THIS PERSON will display any Collaborate Cases created for this person at a different Site.

For the remaining Listviews on the Person Profile, the information will only be pulled from Cases that are under your Current Site. The following notice will display for Multi-Site Users:

If you are a Multi-Site User, you can use the Current Site selector to see information from Cases from a different Site.

Find Contact Information

The next Listview contains all of the known contact information for the person. It includes Address History, Phone Numbers, and Aliases

See Recent Services

The next Listview section will display the most recent Services from all Cases for that person at your Site. Some specialized Services like Case Review may also be listed in their own tab.

Comprehensive Case Management

The last section of the Person Profile gives important case management information across multiple Cases, including Assignments, Tasks, and Alerts.