After an initial primary case has been created in Collaborate, the recommended method to add additional persons, or Associated Cases, to an existing case is to utilize the links located within the Associated Case Actions section of Case Actions dropdown in the left hand sidebar.

Begin by selecting the Create a New Associated Case action from Case Actions dropdown.Next, you will be prompted to perform a Conflict Check. Perform the Conflict Check as normal and proceed accordingly.

Next you will be asked to fill out some Quick Intake fields, which are a set of pertinent fields that record some basic information about the individual you are about to create. The fields you see here were determined by your Network/Site/Coalition Leadership during the design phase of your instance of Collaborate.

Fill out the Quick Intake fields, and then select the Case Type of the case that you are creating.

A set of Case Copy fields will appear depending on which Case Type you have selected. Choose any and all fields you would like to copy over to the new case you are creating, as well as any Relationships that you may want to copy.

Then, you have a couple options to proceed:

  • If you want to add another Associated Case, click the "Save and Add Another Case" button to repeat this process for a new case.
  • If you just want to add this case and be taken back to the primary case you are working with, click the "Save and Return to..." button.
  • Lastly, if you want to immediately perform the rest of the intake for the case you are creating, click the "Save and Edit Case" button.

Regardless of which option you choose, the case will now be created and associated with the primary case with which you are working.

See Also: